Book review:
System Center
Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007

If you are considering buying a good book as companion for System Center Configuraion Manager (SCCM) 2007, this is the book for you!

When it comes to books I always do thorough research before ordering it. And as usual I used a lot of time reading reviews of books on the subject, reading indexes of books to see what's covered, and so on.

It's no secret that this book is the size of a bible - it's got 1224 pages filled with information. There are many books out there today that simply have too many pages, just to make it seem like a bible. However I feel that this book has valuable information in almost all of it's pages.

So far I haven't found one area that isn't covered in this book.

If you're already working with SCCM you know that it's quite complex, and many options scattered all around the SCCM console, making it hard to find out which options control what and where to find them.
This book has got many good step-by-step guides to complete most tasks that you'll need.
For example: I used this book to configure SCCM for OS-deployment, and if you have configured DHCP, PXE, and such you know how hard this can be, if you don't get it to work at first attempt. This book made it easy for me.

You can read this book from cover to cover, but I strongly suggest that you to take one of those hands-on SCCM courses first, and then you could use this book as reference guide.

The book gives you many good tips and pointers about SCCM along the way. Things to consider, heads ups and such.

My personal opinion is that the book is well written. It's both technical and it really goes into depth in the different areas of SCCM. It has many detailed pictures and illustrations to help you understand easier.
I'd say that the book has got a high technical level, as you'd expect from a subject like this.

I highly recommend this book to everybody who is working with System Center Configuration Manager.

Following this link you'll be able to have a quick peek within the book and read what other readers people think of it.

Quick SCCM related advice at the end: Upgrade to R2 as soon as you can, if you aren't already using it! It will save you a lot of trouble, since it's more stable and adds new features.